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Policy Change At Starbucks Making It Harder For New Yorkers To Hang Out

From 104.5 The Team ESPN Radio

Policy Change At Starbucks Making It Harder For New Yorkers To Hang Out

A rule change at Starbucks locations around New York will soon make it a bit more difficult for you to spend time at their coffee shops.

If you ever enjoy going to a Starbucks to meet some friends, use their WiFi or just hang out, your time to do that is limited. A new policy change would force a change of habit for those who are frequent visitors to the coffee shop, but not frequent customers.

For years Starbucks has had an "open door policy." This has allowed people to come into their location to escape the weather or use the bathroom without having to make any sort of a purchase. Now, that's all changing.

Starbucks has decided to reverse their current policy that would allow anyone to be in their stores. This policy has been in place since 2018, and would now require someone to make a purchase in order to be in there coffee shop. They will be posting signs around all their locations around New York, and North America enforcing this.

Other things this new policy will be banning are the consumption of outside alcohol, smoking, vaping, drug use and panhandling. They're also banning any sort of discrimination or harassment, though enforcing this will be a bit more tricky.

A spokesperson for Starbucks told CBS News that this change in policy is designed to put the paying customer first. There's nothing wrong with that, and having to make a purchase to use a businesses amenities should be something that is more enforceable as we see a ruse is people taking advantage of situations.

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