1. Dip teats immediately after milking.
2. Use good milking and environmental management procedures.
3. Use properly functioning milking equipment.
4. Treat every quarter of every cow at dry off.
5. Identify and treat or manage clinical cases promptly.
6. Cull chronically infected cows.
When the temperature falls below 10 degrees F, or when wind chill is
significant,special precautions should be taken to avoid
chapped and frozen teats.
1. Teats should be dry before turning cows out into cold weather.
2. When teats are dipped after milking, allow 30 seconds contact,
and blot off any excess teat dip with a single service towel.
3. Warm the teat dip to reduce drying time.
4. Provide windbreaks in outside areas for cows.
5. Monitor fresh cows with swollen udders and teats since
they are more susceptible to chapped and frozen teats.