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'My heroes': Suburban H&M finds wedding ring that was lost on Black Friday

By Andy Koval

'My heroes': Suburban H&M finds wedding ring that was lost on Black Friday

LOMBARD, Ill. -- Hope was fading for a Darien woman who lost her wedding ring while shopping on Black Friday until a call Tuesday further illustrated her faith in humanity.

Stephanie Koklys was in a rush on the way to her niece's Sweet Sixteen party on Black Friday.

She decided to stop at Yorktown Center in Lombard to go to an H&M store to buy some clothes for her niece's big day.

"I was looking through clothes and when I looked down I noticed my ring was not on my hand and I panicked," Koklys said. "I told employees and everyone helped."

Unfortunately, the custom-designed ring given by her husband John was nowhere to be found.

Koklys went back the next morning and searched far and wide for the ring with no luck. She gave her contact information to H&M management, managers of nearby stories and the mall's security team.

Koklys is a musician and knew she was wearing the ring from video footage that day of her playing with her band.

"It was so freaking cold that day and my hands were super cold and was racing to get this done," she told WGN News. "Kind of running around frantic and it must of just flew off my hand."

Flash forward weeks later and she was starting to lose hope and was worried she was annoying the store by calling asking if it was found.

Then Koklys received a call out of the blue Tuesday as she was working on her Christmas cards.

"An employee called from H&M and said 'it looks like we have your ring,'" Koklys said. "I yelled out 'no way!'"

It was lodged in a merchandise table near where she was looking for clothes.

From H&M remembering her ring to all of the positive responses on social media, it was a reminder for her of all the good in the world.

"My husband started crying on the phone when I told him they found it," she said. "He said 'I got to let someone know how great these people are."

So John called up H&M's corporate team to let them know how caring the Yorktown Center location was.

That wasn't all.

Koklys got a custom cookie cake to H&M's employees that read "H&M staff are my heroes!"

"Retail workers are the true heroes this holiday season!," she said.

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