Premium economy class varies significantly across airlines. For some, it just means a seat with slightly more legroom. Other carriers might include a unique meal service or a slightly different design element in the front of the economy cabin to give it a more elegant feel. The perks provided with premium tickets also vary significantly in value. Quite a few carriers have invested significantly in their premium economy products. Carriers like Emirates have retrofitted portions of their fleets to accommodate the growing demand, while others, such as Alaska Airlines, have ordered incoming planes to feature more premium seats. Other carriers find the extra cabin inefficient and double down on creating an exceptional main cabin or use the space for more upper-class capacity. Given the cost difference between a premium economy and an economy or buisness class ticket, which airlines provide the most value for the upgrade?
Why Can't I Find Air India Award Ticket Availability On The United Airlines Site?
By Dr. Omar Memon
From Simple Flying